Ski holidays in France – New EU Entry requirements launch November 2024

Ski holidays in France – New EU Entry requirements launch November 2024

News & Trivia

Ski holidays in France – New EU Entry requirements launch November 2024

For anyone travelling this winter to join us in the Alps, the introduction of the new EU Entry Exit System (EES) will be in place by November(although the exact date that EES will be introduced has not been confirmed). This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.

What does this mean for you?

UK travellers to the EU will have their fingerprints taken and photo taken at dedicated booths and registered onto the system at the EU border on arrival, unless travelling by train or car in which case this will be done in the UK. Each time you enter or exit the EU, this will be registered on the EES. It is expected that for an initial period of probably up to 6 months there will be delays at EU entry ports.

At some ports and international stations (Dover, Eurotunnel and St Pancras), there may be increased wait times while EES registration is completed before you leave the UK.

So…..expect everything to take longer and there may be queues at Passport control. This will be particularly severe on Saturday14th and Saturday 21st December, with Chambery, Grenoble and Geneva being impacted. We suggest ensuring you are wearing comfy shoes and have water and snacks with you! We will be ready to collect you as soon as you get through the airport (unless you are arriving much earlier than our collection time in which case there may be a short wait for our drivers).

Eurostar expects EES registration to be quick and easy. ​It will have 50 kiosks across 3 locations at stations for people to carry out the checks.

Eurotunnel will have over 100 kiosks and estimate EES checks will add just over 5 minutes to journey times.​ 

The Port of Dover will register passengers in cars using agents and tablets to make the process as straightforward as possible. 

Why is this being put into place?

  1. The Entry/Exit System will modernise the management of the EU’s external borders replacing passport stamping, which should gradually improve the experience for travellers.
  2. It will identify overstayers and provide reliable data on entries, exits and refusals of entry.
  3. The system will effectively combat identity fraud by collecting biometric data.
  4. Security within the EU will be strengthened thanks to improved border checks, use of electronic records and biometric data. It should help reduce illegal     migration in the Schengen area.  
  5. The EES promotes real-time information sharing, ensuring that border authorities across the EU have the right information at the right time.

Your digital record is valid for 3 years. If you enter the Schengen area again during this time, you will only need to provide a fingerprint or photo at the border when you enter and exit.

Is there anything else we need to know?

Yes, in 2025 the EU will introduce the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).  ​ 

When ETIAS is introduced, you will need to apply for authorisation to enter Schengen area countries if using a UK passport. You will need to provide personal information and details about your trip and pay a €7 fee as part of the authorisation process.  

Sep 2024

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